Friday, July 26, 2013

An amazing summer in Tokyo

It's been an amazing summer in Tokyo. By living abroad and studying Japanese for an intensive four weeks, we have great insight to the Japanese language, culture, and food. We enjoyed being very busy with full class days every day of the week and then touring the museums and gardens. A favorite past time too was window-browsing the high fashion stores and admiring the beautiful food markets in the department store basements. We met many interesting people at our language school who were primarily European and Australian university students. Also, several adults attended for both business and personal interest in Japanese. Our teachers were highly qualified and excellent.

Genki JACs program
 Genki Japanese and Culture School, Tokyo
Yea! July 1-26, 2013

Yahoo! July 1-26, 2013

(German, French, Holland, Switzerland, and Boston)

(French, Holland, and Boston)

1 comment:

  1. A fantastic four intensive weeks for you two!!!
    Again thank you for sharing your days in Japan.
    Love and God Bless, Gma And Gpa

    Pray for a safe uneventful trip home!!!
