Monday, July 1, 2013

First Day of Class

Today we started our 4-week Japanese language study at Genki JACs located in the busy shopping district and huge transportation hub at Shinjuki Station. We've never seen a station so busy even it was mild and pre-rush hour according to the local who helped us find the right platform out of 60. The school will be great- the staff and teachers are all Japanese women, experienced, and very nice. Our days will be full with 5-6 hours of class time, starting from 9:30-3:30 or 4:30 pm, with foundation classes and an additional hour of conversation that we enrolled in as well. We're in the largest class of 7, including us, with students from all over- Australia, Sweden, Czech Republic, 2 from Switzerland (not together though), and an American, a guy from Colorado Springs, and us. The students are our age or older and seem to be studying for work or for advanced schooling. It's fun and interesting to meet people from around the world. They all have different English accents. We're sad though to give up some of our free time to tour Tokyo... we didn't have much time to explore the city with class and transportation time to get to and from places...

The school occupies a section of a third floor in a building off of the busy streets and tucked into a quiet area by Hanazano Shrine.

School courtyard

 Hanazono Shrine- adjacent to school

Genki JACs entrance door on third floor
Shinjuku skyscrapers and transportation hub
Shinjuku Station- world's busiest transportation center-
look at all those platforms! and this is just the metro!

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