Friday, July 19, 2013

Eclectic experiences

Each day we see different things in Tokyo and are enjoying the experience of everyday living here and seeing how the Japanese live, work, and play. Here is a collection of sights from the past few days, such as flowers from a garden, a wind chime display and home decor store at an indoor mall, bowling alley on the seventh floor of a high rise, and popular steam buns from a department store basement food court.

Shinjuku Garden
lovely hydrangeas provide color along the city streets

interesting Asian-style tea house

roses in bloom
Browsing displays and stores
at an indoor mall (Tokyo Midtown)
Fanning a chime so it will ring

wind chime display structure

home decor- modern tatami seating

typical 'double' sized Japanese Western-style bed
Bowling on the 7th floor
37 lane bowling alley on the 7th floor!
Popular snacks
 delicious steam buns
filled with seafood, meat, and vegetables

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