Wednesday, July 10, 2013


We have enjoyed seeing people wear kimonos every day, mostly for going out for a meal. While admiring shops and window-browsing at a very nice store gallery next to the Ritz Carlton Hotel, we saw three girls our age dressed beautifully in kimonos. We asked to take a picture of them and a bystander offered to take it of all of us. It was the highlight of the day! :)

There were many upscale restaurants around Tokyo Midtown as well, such as this "fugu" or blowfish restaurant. Fugu is deadly to eat if not prepared properly. The ovaries and intestines are poisonous and must be removed carefully without being punctured. Fugu chefs are licensed by the government.

Beautiful kimonos
Typically worn on special occasions but also daily

Fugu or blowfish restaurant
(see the blowfish at top?)

See the fugu in the tank? 

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